Monday, October 19, 2009
Halloween is for babies!
So these last couple of months have been somewhat of a blur for me. I've been adjusting and learning a few things about the world. Its been hard, but I think I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. This last month I've been working at a theme park for their haunt season, and it has been so stinking fun! I can't get over how funny it is to scare the crap out of people. Every time I scare someone I smile and start laughing! I just can't believe that someone could lose it like that! So much fun! Blair has been doing well and adjusting to everything much better than I have. She has the potty training down, and listens very well. She's gotten so big and mischevious though. She is my little sausage. haha. My mom will be coming to visit me later this month and I am so excited! I can't wait to see her. It should be an epic reunion to say the least. Anyways off to do some more stuff! Careful... you never know what is behind any corner! MUAHAHAHA.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Remains of the D
For those of you who are wondering where I am. Fear not! I am still a live and well. I thought I would relay this message. As you can see the name of the blog is Adventures in Hollywoodland. As I am not in Hollywood at this time, this blog is kind of irrelevant isn't it? Oh well. The new (temporary) name of this blog is... The Remains of the D. D being me, and what remains of my once fully functional life. How am I liking Ohio? I get this question a lot. I HATE IT. Well thats not entirely true... but it seems like nothing is working out here. I make a friend they move away. Boys are even more retarded. People are not as invested in me. I guess its the universes way of saying, "GET YOUR ASS BACK TO HOLLYWOOD!" Its very depressing some days when I realize what I used to do and see on a regular basis. Some how it all seems like a dream. I can't quite understand why it is I'm still here. Hopefully things will turn around soon. I really miss my friends and my life that I had in LA. It will always be my home. The place where I want to spend the next few years of my ever-changing life. I don't really like asking for things but your support and prayers would be much appreciated. I try not to be so depressing but hey, I can only do so much. In the meantime I'm going to continue saving (its harder than it looks people). Hopefully I will land an audition for something that will make me some money. HA.
Friday, April 17, 2009
20 is the loneliest number...
It has been one heck of a week out here in St. George. I can't believe I'm back. It scares me. Haha. I'm enjoying myself though. Its nice to be out of the city and in a place that is actually quiet. I've been working out a lot, helping Jeanette out, hanging out with old friends, and playing video games :) I love the N64 Zelda. So much fun! Basically my life is pretty simple and plain again. Ahhhh so sad!
Well I guess next week I turn 20 or something. Kinda crazy when I think about it. 20 is kinda a dumb number in the world. It doesn't really get you anywhere except closer to 21 (368 days and counting...) I guess it means I'm leaving my teenage years behind me in favor of a more adult like life. HA. How weird. I haven't really been so scared about turning 20. I know for a lot of my friends they've been all depressed about leaving their teenaged-life behind, but honestly I don't see the point. Its a bigger number and I like that. I am not however looking forward to the actually day... It just won't be the same with out my parents here! I don't want another repeat of Christmas. Not that anything was wrong with Christmas... it was just different and disappointing. It didn't feel right. I guess this is how the rest of my life is going to be now. It makes me sad that they aren't going to be here to celebrate it with me. It just won't be the same... :(
Well I guess next week I turn 20 or something. Kinda crazy when I think about it. 20 is kinda a dumb number in the world. It doesn't really get you anywhere except closer to 21 (368 days and counting...) I guess it means I'm leaving my teenage years behind me in favor of a more adult like life. HA. How weird. I haven't really been so scared about turning 20. I know for a lot of my friends they've been all depressed about leaving their teenaged-life behind, but honestly I don't see the point. Its a bigger number and I like that. I am not however looking forward to the actually day... It just won't be the same with out my parents here! I don't want another repeat of Christmas. Not that anything was wrong with Christmas... it was just different and disappointing. It didn't feel right. I guess this is how the rest of my life is going to be now. It makes me sad that they aren't going to be here to celebrate it with me. It just won't be the same... :(
Friday, April 10, 2009
Uhaul Adventure
Man these past few weeks have been so stressful. I hate moving. I hate being homeless. I don't want to leave. BLAH. One positive thing that has come of this would be renting the uhaul. I have to say, that is probably the most fun thing I have ever driven. I almost want to buy one when I have loads of money to blow. I had my good friend Sylvia accompany me on the ride to chino and the things we did... oh man. We had a little too much fun. It was such a fun experience driving that thing. I felt like a bad ass. I'm not going to lie I almost want to be a truck driver now. Almost. Here is just a little sneak peak of the fun we had.
Yup. We really did that. You should check out my channel as well. I'm probably going to be putting some more stuff from our adventure up there and hell who knows what else! Oh yeah I did get my nose pierced. I like it. I think it looks good on me and suits me very well. I'm heading back to Utah on Saturday. While I'm excited to see family, I'm not excited to spend extended amounts of time there. LA is my home now. It probably always will be. However I'm excited to spend the summer in Ohio with Denise. It should be a lot of fun spending some time with her, and discovering a new place. BUT I will be coming back to LA this fall. Mark my words. No matter what.
Yup. We really did that. You should check out my channel as well. I'm probably going to be putting some more stuff from our adventure up there and hell who knows what else! Oh yeah I did get my nose pierced. I like it. I think it looks good on me and suits me very well. I'm heading back to Utah on Saturday. While I'm excited to see family, I'm not excited to spend extended amounts of time there. LA is my home now. It probably always will be. However I'm excited to spend the summer in Ohio with Denise. It should be a lot of fun spending some time with her, and discovering a new place. BUT I will be coming back to LA this fall. Mark my words. No matter what.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Dying is a skill.
For the last two days I have been freezing. No joke. I don't think there has been a time in the past 48 hours where I haven't wished I were warmer. I just got done shooting for a student film entitled, "Full Circle". I play the main character which the story revolves around. I'm 15, pregnant and commit suicide. Just my kinda role :) I'm not going to lie, these last few days have been so much fun. I feel I'm where I'm supposed to be when I'm in front of the camera, and when you nail a shot its one of the best feelings ever. However, I will probably think twice before shooting a summer scene on the beach in March. What a whirlwind. Last night was pure hell. I was in a bikini and sun dress shooting in 40 degree weather with wind. I also got to get wet to give the illusion that I washed up on the beach. I don't know how I stopped shaking for the shots of me laying there dead. It was ridiculous. I have never had so strong of a desire to punch another actor in the face for messing up a scene. I guess when your cold your cold. It was all sorts of ridiculousness. My death make up was pretty cool though. When I was walking home last night I scared the crap out of some kid walking down the street. That was fun. I'm excited to see the ending product though... We shot with a Red camera and even the raw footage was amazing. I'm supposed to get some pictures from it soon so I'll be sure to post those. Funny, now that I think about it... This is the second time I've had to deal with the beach in winter. Huh. You'd think a girl would learn.
Monday, March 9, 2009
May-December Romance.
Today was an interesting turn of events. I was asked out by a man who at least had to be 60 years my senior. Now, I'm not one to discriminate based on age (haha just kidding mom), but I have to say this had to be the cherry to top off my already crazy weekend. Flash-back to Friday... I decide to go out to a hookah bar with Ross and Toni. Ross's co-worker happened to set the whole thing up, and when I saw her come out in a sequined gold tube top and boho skirt I knew we were in for an interesting night. A bunch of off-hand people were there and I recognized no one. I stayed close to Toni because to be honest I wasn't sure if it was even worth talking to anyone. My suspicions are confirmed when some kid asks me, "So... What kinda music are you into?" There's a real ice breaker. Could you be more creative? The kid continues to try to strike up a conversation the rest of the night and I do my best not to burst into laughter. For some reason I just have a way with people who work at Starbucks. Free coffee never hurt anybody right?
The rest of the weekend goes by with some interesting turn of events, but nothing to extremely weird (just friends trying to be more than friends, my life's story). So, to top off the end of what was quite possibly one of the most socially interesting and sometimes awkward weekend, I get asked out by a guy who has to be at least pushing 60. I'm standing in line at CVS and some guy comes over to me and says in an extremely creepy voice, "Hey would you like to get a cup of coffee?" I'm never one to turn down a good old cup of coffee but for him I was willing to make an exception. I politely respond, "No thanks. I don't drink coffee." He retaliates with, "Well how about dinner sometime? I'd like to get to know you." Yeah sparky I'm sure you would. To this I reply, "I have a boyfriend." Luckily he bought my lie and walked away, either that or took a hint. I don't really care to be honest. I think to myself as I'm walking to my car, "Wow Danni, at the rate your going pretty soon your going to be dating David Hasselhoff. Now there's a real catch." I sure hope someone out there finds hilarity in my personal life, to be honest I'm starting to get bored. Maybe I'll try dating a street performer next...
Monday, February 23, 2009
I don't know why I feel compelled to share this list with you... I guess I just feel like ranting! I absolutely find it disgusting when people blow their nose in public. Its so gross! I don't know about you but just the sound of it makes me cringe. I hate it when people just automatically assume things instead of getting the facts. I hate it when people contact you after years of silence and are like "I want to catch up". You think, "Hey buddy if you wanted to be apart of my life then you would have kept up." I hate it when your in limbo with a "friend". You don't really know what the hell is going on but your just kind of there. I absolutely hate when people assume that I would make the perfect rebound. Do I look like a basketball to you? Am I orange and round? I don't think so! I hate it when people call you to ask you a favor when your not really that great a friend with them anyways. Like, "Can you pick me up from the airport?" "Can you give my friends boyfriend a ride?" "Can you pick me up from work?" "Can you spot me some cash?" UGH. I want to scream, "NO. I don't want to do anything for you!!!!! Especially when you treat me like shit in the first place!" I hate it when I'm walking my dog and people try to stop me to pet her. I hate it when people mooch. I hate it when friends mooch. I hate it when people bail on you. I hate it when people are stingy. I hate traffic. I hate it when people cat call to you when your trying to cross the street. Your like, "Uhm I'm trying not to get hit by a car, and your distracting me you idiot!" Further more what do they expect you to do? Ask for their number? Do guys really think that is the way to get a chick? I hate it when people make kissy noises. I hate when people ignore you. I hate it when one of your friends is with her boyfriend so she ignores you but when they are in a fight its like he doesn't exist. I hate it when people wake me up in the morning, especially when I'm not ready to get up. I hate it when birds poop on your car. I hate it when people dump their responsibilities on you. I hate it when people text me while I'm driving. I want to read it and respond but I also don't want to die. I hate it when people borrow something and don't return it. So to get back at them I borrow something and refuse to return it until they return my stuff. But most of all I hate it when people lie to you. Or when you feel you can't be honest with someone because then you feel like crap.
Ok I feel better now :) Now share something that bothers you! Happy Ranting!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy Valentines day from Jeanette!
Isn't she so cute???
Favorite squeak toy. He's a wiener just like she is!
I didn't do it...

Well thats all for now! XoXo!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Job Hunting
First off, can I just say that the job market nowadays is ridiculous. I have been looking for a job for well over a month now and no luck :(. A lot of friends have put their two cents in what I should d, my favorite being... Why don't you just go down and dance at the Gentlemen's Club? Ahaha we have a winner there :P So tempted to punch them in the face but I resisted. A lot has been going on. Started to look for a new apartment for myself. I don't want to do the roommate thing because I don't want to get screwed over anymore. I've been hearing all sorts of fun things about the job market. How many got cut off yesterday? I don't even want to think about it. Guess I don't get to be picky anymore! Burger King here I come... I've been hearing that I should work at some fancy restaurants around LA because I'm "cute", so hopefully that will payoff haha. Gossip Girl spinoff is in the works. Pray I get it. Or at least a commercial. Times are tough, but I've stocked up on lots of Top Ramen. We're good :)
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